

  • Varela LG, Gómez MA, Garabatos M, Glez-Peña D, Porteiro J. Improving the bed movement physics of inclined grate biomass CFD simulations. Appl Therm Eng. 2021;182.
  • Cid N, Patino D, Porteiro J, Eiroa D. Validation of a Fouling Measurement Procedure. IEEE Trans Instrum Meas. 2021;70.
  • ...


  • Uriarte I, Erkoreka A, Eguia P, Granada E, Martin-Escudero K. Estimation of the heat loss coefficient of two occupied residential buildings through an average method. Energies. 2020;13(21).
  • Pérez-Orozco R, Patiño D, Porteiro J, Rico JJ. The effect of primary measures for controlling biomass bed temperature on PM emission through analysis of the generated residues. Fuel. 2020;280.
  • Pérez-Orozco R, Patiño D, Porteiro J, Míguez JL. Novel test bench for the active reduction of biomass particulate matter emissions. Sustainability. 2020;12(1).
  • Pérez-Orozco R, Patiño D, Porteiro J, Míguez JL. Bed cooling effects in solid particulate matter emissions during biomass combustion. A morphological insight. Energy. 2020;205.
  • Pérez-Orozco R, Patiño D, Porteiro J, Larrañaga A. Flue Gas Recirculation during Biomass Combustion: Implications on PM Release. Energy Fuels. 2020;34(9):11112-22.
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Vence J, Hoard J. Evolution of EGR cooler deposits under hydrocarbon condensation: Analysis of local thickness, roughness, and fouling layer density. Int J Therm Sci. 2020.
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Vence J, Cabarcos A. Fouling evolution on ribbed surfaces under EGR dry soot conditions: Experimental measurements and 3D model validation. Int J Therm Sci. 2020;151.
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Gil C, Baker C. CFD analysis of the aerodynamic effects on the stability of the flight of a quadcopter UAV in the proximity of walls and ground. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2020;206.
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Conde M, Vence J. Development of a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model for Predicting Fouling Process Using Dynamic Mesh Model. Heat Transfer Eng. 2020;41(2):199-207.
  • Ogando-Martínez A, Troncoso-Pastoriza F, Eguía-Oller P, Granada-Álvarez E, Erkoreka A. Model calibration methodology to assess the actual lighting conditions of a road infrastructure. Infrastructures. 2020;5(1).
  • Míguez JL, Porteiro J, Pérez-Orozco R, Patiño D, Gómez MÁ. Biological systems for CCS: Patent review as a criterion for technological development. Appl Energy. 2020;257.
  • Martínez S, Pérez E, Eguía P, Erkoreka A, Granada E. Model calibration and exergoeconomic optimization with NSGA-II applied to a residential cogeneration. Appl Therm Eng. 2020;169.
  • Martínez S, Eguía P, Granada E, Moazami A, Hamdy M. A performance comparison of multi-objective optimization-based approaches for calibrating white-box building energy models. Energy and Buildings. 2020;216.
  • López Gómez J, Troncoso Pastoriza F, Fariña EA, Eguía Oller P, Granada Álvarez E. Use of a numerical weather prediction model as a meteorological source for the estimation of heating demand in building thermal simulations. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2020;62.
  • Khodaei H, Gonzalez L, Chapela S, Porteiro J, Nikrityuk P, Olson C. CFD-based coupled multiphase modeling of biochar production using a large-scale pyrolysis plant. Energy. 2020.
  • Jesús Rico J, Patiño D, Cid N, Pérez-Orozco R. PM reduction and flame confinement in biomass combustion using a porous inert material. Fuel. 2020;280.
  • Gómez JL, Pastoriza FT, álvarez EG, Oller PE. Comparison between geostatistical interpolation and numerical weather model predictions for meteorological conditions mapping. Infrastructures. 2020;5(2).
  • Comesaña MM, Mariño SM, Oller PE, Álvarez EG, González AE. A functional data analysis for assessing the impact of a retrofitting in the energy performance of a building. Mathematics. 2020;8(4).
  • Chapela S, Porteiro J, Míguez JL, Behrendt F. Eulerian CFD fouling model for fixed bed biomass combustion systems. Fuel. 2020;278.
  • Chapela S, Cid N, Porteiro J, Míguez JL. Numerical transient modelling of the fouling phenomena and its influence on thermal performance in a low-scale biomass shell boiler. Renew Energy. 2020;161:309-18.
  • Cacabelos-Reyes A, López-González JL, González-Gil A, Febrero-Garrido L, Eguía-Oller P, Granada-Álvarez E. Assessing the energy demand reduction in a surgical suite by optimizing the HVAC operation during off-use periods. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). 2020;10(7).
  • Cabrera Alvargonzalez JJ, Rey Cao S, Pérez Castro S, Martinez Lamas L, Cores Calvo O, Torres Pinõn J, et al. Pooling for SARS-CoV-2 control in care institutions. BMC Infect Dis. 2020;20(1).
  • Bermúdez CA, Porteiro J, Varela LG, Chapela S, Patiño D. Three-dimensional CFD simulation of a large-scale grate-fired biomass furnace. Fuel Process Technol. 2020;198.
  • Bellas R, Gómez MA, González-Gil A, Porteiro J, Míguez JL. Assessment of the Fire Dynamics Simulator for Modeling Fire Suppression in Engine Rooms of Ships with Low-Pressure Water Mist. Fire Technol. 2020;56(3):1315-52.
  • Anjos O, Comesaña MM, Caldeira I, Pedro SI, Oller PE, Canas S. Application of functional data analysis and FTIR-ATR spectroscopy to discriminatewine spirits ageing technologies. Mathematics. 2020;8(6).


  • Varela LG, Bermúdez CÁ, Chapela S, Porteiro J, Tabarés JLM. Improving Bed Movement Physics in Biomass Computational Fluid Dynamics Combustion Simulations. Chem Eng Technol. 2019;42(12):2556-64.
  • Uriarte I, Erkoreka A, Giraldo-Soto C, Martin K, Uriarte A, Eguia P. Mathematical development of an average method for estimating the reduction of the Heat Loss Coefficient of an energetically retrofitted occupied office building. Energy and Buildings. 2019;192:101-22.
  • Troncoso-Pastoriza F, Eguía-Oller P, Díaz-Redondo RP, Granada-Álvarez E, Erkoreka A. Orientation-constrained system for lamp detection in buildings based on computer vision. Sensors. 2019;19(7).
  • Troncoso-Pastoriza F, Eguía-Oller P, Díaz-Redondo RP, Granada-Álvarez E. Use of BIM data as input and output for improved detection of lighting elements in buildings. Automation in Construction. 2019;106.
  • Regueiro A, Jezerská L, Pérez-Orozco R, Patiño D, Zegzulka J, Nečas J. Viability evaluation of three grass biofuels: Experimental study in a small-scale combustor. Energies. 2019;12(7).
  • Pérez-Orozco R, Patiño D, Porteiro J, Cid N, Regueiro A. Influence of the Feeding Rate on the Transient Behavior of a Biomass Combustor. Chem Eng Technol. 2019;42(12):2520-9.
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Vence J, Cabarcos A. Analysis of the volume of fluid (VOF) method for the simulation of the mucus clearance process with CFD. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2019;22(5):547-66.
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Porteiro J, Díaz A. New methodology for CFD simulations of compact evaporators used in automotive ORC systems. Int J Therm Sci. 2019;143:14-26.
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Gil C, Cabarcos A. Effect of realistic ballasted track in the underbody flow of a high-speed train via CFD simulations. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2019;184:1-9.
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Concheiro M, Diaz A. Development of a pattern recognition methodology with thermography and implementation in an experimental study of a boiler for a WHRS-ORC. Sensors. 2019;19(7).
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Cabarcos A, Gil C, editors. Development of an online tool based on CFD and object-oriented programming to support teaching fluid mechanics. Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2019 - Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Learning 2019; 2019.
  • Patiño D, Pérez-Orozco R, Porteiro J, Lapuerta M. Characterization of biomass PM emissions using thermophoretic sampling: Composition and morphological description of the carbonaceous residues. J Aerosol Sci. 2019;127:49-62.
  • Paredes-Sánchez JP, Míguez JL, Blanco D, Rodríguez MA, Collazo J. Assessment of micro-cogeneration network in European mining areas: A prototype system. Energy. 2019;174:350-8.
  • Martínez S, Erkoreka A, Eguía P, Granada E, Febrero L. Energy characterization of a PASLINK test cell with a gravel covered roof using a novel methodology: Sensitivity analysis and Bayesian calibration. Journal of Building Engineering. 2019;22:1-11.
  • Gómez MA, Martín R, Chapela S, Porteiro J. Steady CFD combustion modeling for biomass boilers: An application to the study of the exhaust gas recirculation performance. Energy Convers Manage. 2019;179:91-103.
  • Gómez MA, Chapela S, Collazo J, Míguez JL. CFD analysis of a buffer tank redesigned with a thermosyphon concentrator tube. Energies. 2019;12(11).
  • Febrero-Garrido L, López-González JL, Eguía-Oller P, Granada-Álvarez E. Development of a calibrated simulation method for airborne particles to optimize energy consumption in operating rooms. Energies. 2019;12(12).
  • Chapela S, Porteiro J, Garabatos M, Patiño D, Gómez MA, Míguez JL. CFD study of fouling phenomena in small-scale biomass boilers: Experimental validation with two different boilers. Renew Energy. 2019;140:552-62.


  • Troncoso-Pastoriza F, Eguía-Oller P, Díaz-Redondo RP, Granada-Álvarez E. Generation of BIM data based on the automatic detection, identification and localization of lamps in buildings. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2018;36:59-70.
  • Silva J, Teixeira J, Teixeira S, Chapela S, Porteiro J, editors. Application of a biomass combustion model to an industrial boiler. 31st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, ECOS 2018; 2018: University of Minho.
  • Silva J, Fraga L, Ferreira ME, Chapela S, Porteiro J, Teixeira SFCF, et al., editors. Combustion modelling of a 20 kW pellet boiler. ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE 2018; 2018: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
  • Pinto G, Silva FJG, Porteiro J, Míguez JL, Baptista A, Fernandes L, editors. A critical review on the numerical simulation related to Physical Vapour Deposition. 28th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM 2018; 2018: Elsevier B.V.
  • Pinto G, Silva F, Porteiro J, Míguez J, Baptista A. Numerical simulation applied to PVD reactors: An overview. Coatings. 2018;8(11).
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Concheiro M, Conde M. CFD simulation of the oral-nasal flow partitioning during a breathing cycle based on the soft palate movement. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies2018. p. 35-45.
  • Míguez JL, Porteiro J, Pérez-Orozco R, Gömez MA. Technology evolution in membrane-based CCS. Energies. 2018;11(11).
  • Luis Míguez J, Porteiro J, Pérez-Orozco R, Patiño D, Rodríguez S. Evolution of CO<inf>2</inf> capture technology between 2007 and 2017 through the study of patent activity. Appl Energy. 2018;211:1282-96.
  • Luis Míguez J, Porteiro J, Pérez-Orozco R, Patiño D, Rodríguez S. Evolution of CO2 capture technology between 2007 and 2017 through the study of patent activity. Appl Energy. 2018;211:1282-96.
  • Khodaei H, Yeoh GH, Guzzomi F, Porteiro J. A CFD-based comparative analysis of drying in various single biomass particles. Appl Therm Eng. 2018;128:1062-73.
  • González-Gil A, López-González JL, Fernández M, Eguía P, Erkoreka A, Granada E. Thermal energy demand and potential energy savings in a Spanish surgical suite through calibrated simulations. Energy and Buildings. 2018;174:513-26.
  • González WA, Pérez JF, Chapela S, Porteiro J. Numerical analysis of wood biomass packing factor in a fixed-bed gasification process. Renew Energy. 2018;121:579-89.
  • Gómez MA, Porteiro J, Chapela S, Míguez JL. An Eulerian model for the simulation of the thermal conversion of a single large biomass particle. Fuel. 2018;220:671-81.
  • Gómez MA, Martín R, Collazo J, Porteiro J. CFD steady model applied to a biomass boiler operating in air enrichment conditions. Energies. 2018;11(10).
  • Gómez MA, Collazo J, Porteiro J, Míguez JL. Numerical study of the thermal behaviour of a water heater tank with a corrugated coil. Int J Heat Mass Transf. 2018;122:574-86.
  • Gómez MA, Collazo J, Porteiro J, Míguez JL. Numerical study of an external device for the improvement of the thermal stratification in hot water storage tanks. Appl Therm Eng. 2018;144:996-1009.
  • Fernández M, Conde B, Eguía P, Granada E. Parameter identification of a round-robin test box model using a deterministic and probabilistic methodology. Journal of Building Performance Simulation. 2018;11(6):623-38.
  • Eguía Oller P, Alonso Rodríguez JM, Saavedra González Á, Arce Fariña E, Granada Álvarez E. Improving the calibration of building simulation with interpolated weather datasets. Renew Energy. 2018;122:608-18.
  • Conde B, Eguía P, Stavroulakis GE, Granada E. Parameter identification for damaged condition investigation on masonry arch bridges using a Bayesian approach. Engineering Structures. 2018;172:275-84.
  • Chapela S, Porteiro J, Gómez MA, Patiño D, Míguez JL. Comprehensive CFD modeling of the ash deposition in a biomass packed bed burner. Fuel. 2018;234:1099-122.
  • Baptista A, Silva FJG, Porteiro J, Míguez JL, Pinto G, Fernandes L, editors. On the Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD): Evolution of Magnetron Sputtering Processes for Industrial Applications. 28th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM 2018; 2018: Elsevier B.V.
  • Baptista A, Silva F, Porteiro J, Míguez J, Pinto G. Sputtering physical vapour deposition (PVD) coatings: A critical review on process improvement andmarket trend demands. Coatings. 2018;8(11).


  • Ulloa C, Arce ME, Rey G, Míguez JL, Hernández J. Recycling COR-TEN® sea containers into service modules for military applications: Thermal analysis. Energies. 2017;10(6).
  • Regueiro A, Patiño D, Míguez C, Cuevas M. A practice for engineering students based on the control and monitoring an experimental biomass combustor using labview. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 2017;25(3):392-403.
  • Regueiro A, Patiño D, Granada E, Porteiro J. Experimental study on the fouling behaviour of an underfeed fixed-bed biomass combustor. Appl Therm Eng. 2017;112:523-33.
  • Regueiro A, Jezerská L, Patiño D, Pérez-Orozco R, Nečas J, Žídek M. Experimental study of the viability of low-grade biofuels in small-scale appliances. Sustainability. 2017;9(10).
  • Rashidian B, Al-Abdeli YM, Yeoh GH, Patiño D, Guzzomi F. Methodologies for Processing Fixed Bed Combustor Data. Combustion Science and Technology. 2017;189(1):79-102.
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Vence J. CFD transient simulation of the cough clearance process using an Eulerian wall film model. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2017;20(2):142-52.
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Parga O, Vence J. Glottis effects on the cough clearance process simulated with a CFD dynamic mesh and Eulerian wall film model. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2017;20(12):1326-38.
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Gil C. Numerical methodology for evaluating the effect of sleepers in the underbody flow of a high-speed train. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2017;167:140-7.
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Concheiro M, Porteiro J. CFD transient simulation of a breathing cycle in an oral-nasal extrathoracic model. J Appl Fluid Mech. 2017;10(3):777-84.
  • Paz C, Conde M, Porteiro J, Concheiro M. Effect of heating surface morphology on active site density in subcooled flow nucleated boiling. Exp Therm Fluid Sci. 2017;82:147-59.
  • Paz C, Conde M, Porteiro J, Concheiro M. On the application of image processing methods for bubble recognition to the study of subcooled flow boiling of water in rectangular channels. Sensors. 2017;17(6).
  • Khodaei H, Guzzomi F, Yeoh GH, Regueiro A, Patiño D. An experimental study into the effect of air staging distribution and position on emissions in a laboratory scale biomass combustor. Energy. 2017;118:1243-55.
  • Khodaei H, Guzzomi F, Patiño D, Rashidian B, Yeoh GH. Air staging strategies in biomass combustion-gaseous and particulate emission reduction potentials. Fuel Process Technol. 2017;157:29-41.
  • Gómez MA, Porteiro J, De la Cuesta D, Patiño D, Míguez JL. Dynamic simulation of a biomass domestic boiler under thermally thick considerations. Energy Convers Manage. 2017;140:260-72.
  • Fernández M, Eguía P, Granada E, Febrero L. Sensitivity analysis of a vertical geothermal heat exchanger dynamic simulation: Calibration and error determination. Geothermics. 2017;70:249-59.
  • Eguía Oller P, Alonso Rodríguez JM, Saavedra González Á, Arce Fariña E, Granada Álvarez E. Improving transient thermal simulations of single dwellings using interpolated weather data. Energy and Buildings. 2017;135:212-24.
  • Crespo B, Míguez-álvarez C, Arce ME, Cuevas M, Míguez JL. The sustainable development goals: An experience on higher education. Sustainability. 2017;9(8).
  • Chapela S, Porteiro J, Costa M. Effect of the Turbulence-Chemistry Interaction in Packed-Bed Biomass Combustion. Energy Fuels. 2017;31(9):9967-82.
  • Cacabelos A, Eguía P, Febrero L, Granada E. Development of a new multi-stage building energy model calibration methodology and validation in a public library. Energy and Buildings. 2017;146:182-99.


  • Vega-Nieva DJ, Ortiz Torres L, Míguez Tabares JL, Morán J. Measuring and Predicting the Slagging of Woody and Herbaceous Mediterranean Biomass Fuels on a Domestic Pellet Boiler. Energy Fuels. 2016;30(2):1085-95.
  • Rey G, Ulloa C, Míguez JL, Cacabelos A. Suitability assessment of an ICE-based micro-CCHP unit in different Spanish climatic zones: Application of an experimental model in transient simulation. Energies. 2016;9(11).
  • Rey G, Ulloa C, Míguez JL, Arce E. Development of an ICE-based micro-CHP system based on a stirling engine; methodology for a comparative study of its performance and sensitivity analysis in recreational sailing boats in different European climates. Energies. 2016;9(4).
  • Regueiro A, Patiño D, Porteiro J, Granada E, Míguez JL. Effect of air staging ratios on the burning rate and emissions in an underfeed fixed-bed biomass combustor. Energies. 2016;9(11).
  • Rashidian B, Al-Abdeli YM, Patiño D, Guzzomi FG, Yeoh GH. Effect of freeboard deflectors in the fixed bed combustion of biomass. Appl Therm Eng. 2016;103:543-52.
  • Porteiro J, Míguez JL, Crespo B, De Lara J, Pousada JM. On the behavior of different PCMs in a hot water storage tank against thermal demands. Mater. 2016;9(3).
  • Porteiro J, Martín R, Granada E, Patiño D. Three-dimensional model of electrostatic precipitators for the estimation of their particle collection efficiency. Fuel Process Technol. 2016;143:86-99.
  • Patiño D, Crespo B, Porteiro J, Villaravid E, Granada E. Experimental study of a tubular-type ESP for small-scale biomass boilers: Preliminary results in a diesel engine. Powder Technol. 2016;288:164-75.
  • Patiño D, Crespo B, Porteiro J, Míguez JL. Experimental analysis of fouling rates in two small-scale domestic boilers. Appl Therm Eng. 2016;100:849-60.
  • Gómez MA, Porteiro J, de la Cuesta D, Patiño D, Míguez JL. Numerical simulation of the combustion process of a pellet-drop-feed boiler. Fuel. 2016;184:987-99.
  • Eguía P, Granada E, Alonso JM, Arce E, Saavedra A. Weather datasets generated using kriging techniques to calibrate building thermal simulations with TRNSYS. Journal of Building Engineering. 2016;7:78-91.
  • Crespo B, Rey G, Míguez C, Míguez Tabarés JL, De Lara J. Development of a new android application to remotely control a micro-cogeneration system as e-learning tool. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 2016;24(4):497-507.
  • Crespo B, Rey G, Míguez C, Míguez JL, Cuevas Alonso M. Design and monitoring of a micro-cogeneration system: A wide practice proposed for engineering education. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 2016;24(5):723-35.
  • Crespo B, Patiño D, Regueiro A, Granada E. Performance of a lab-scale tubular-type electrostatic precipitator using a diesel engine particle emission source. Energy. 2016;116:1444-53.
  • Cacabelos A, Arce ME, Míguez JL, Míguez C. Integration of the free software GenOpt for a thermal engineering course. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 2016;24(3):356-64.
  • Belmonte JF, Eguía P, Molina AE, Almendros-Ibáñez JA, Salgado R. A simplified method for modeling the thermal performance of storage tanks containing PCMs. Appl Therm Eng. 2016;95:394-410.


  • Rey G, Arce ME, Ulloa C, Cacabelos A, Miguez JL, editors. Automating, monitoring, and control of an ICE based micro-CCHP system using LabVIEW and Android. 2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech, PowerTech 2015; 2015.
  • Porteiro J, Míguez JL, Crespo B, López González LM, De Lara J. Experimental investigation of the thermal response of a thermal storage tank partially filled with different PCMs (phase change materials) to a steep demand. Energy. 2015;91:202-14.
  • Paz MC, Conde M, Suárez E, Concheiro M. On the effect of surface roughness and material on the subcooled flow boiling of water: Experimental study and global correlation. Exp Therm Fluid Sci. 2015;64:114-24.
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Gil C, Concheiro M, editors. CFD assessment of the effect of windblown sand on a high-speed train. Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics 2015, Multibody Dynamics 2015; 2015.
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Gil C, Concheiro M. Numerical study of the impact of windblown sand particles on a high-speed train. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. 2015;145:87-93.
  • Paz C, Conde M, Porteiro J, Concheiro M. Effect of heating surface morphology on the size of bubbles during the subcooled flow boiling of water at low pressure. Int J Heat Mass Transf. 2015;89:770-82.
  • Morán JC, Míguez JL, Porteiro J, Patiño D, Granada E. Low-quality fuels for small-scale combustion boilers: An experimental study. Energy Fuels. 2015;29(5):3064-81.
  • Moar JMR, Alvarez-Campana JM, Míguez JL, González LML, Ramos DG. Comparative study of the relevance of musculoskeletal disorders between the Spanish and the European working population. Work. 2015;51(4):645-56.
  • Gómez MA, Porteiro J, Patiño D, Míguez JL. Eulerian CFD modelling for biomass combustion. Transient simulation of an underfeed pellet boiler. Energy Convers Manage. 2015;101:666-80.
  • Gómez MA, Porteiro J, Patiño D, Míguez JL. Fast-solving thermally thick model of biomass particles embedded in a CFD code for the simulation of fixed-bed burners. Energy Convers Manage. 2015;105:30-44.
  • Gil C, Paz C, Suárez E, Conde M. A computational fluid dynamics comparison of the underflow of different commercial high-speed trains. Civil-Comp Proc. 2015.
  • Fenollera M, Míguez JL, Goicoechea I, Lorenzo J. Experimental study on thermal conductivity of self-compacting concrete with recycled aggregate. Mater. 2015;8(7):4457-78.
  • Febrero L, Granada E, Regueiro A, Míguez JL. Influence of combustion parameters on fouling composition after wood pellet burning in a lab-scale low-power boiler. Energies. 2015;8(9):9794-816.
  • Febrero L, Granada E, Patiño D, Eguía P, Regueiro A. A comparative study of fouling and bottom ash from woody biomass combustion in a fixed-bed small-scale boiler and evaluation of the analytical techniques used. Sustainability. 2015;7(5):5819-37.
  • Casal JM, Porteiro J, Míguez JL, Vázquez A. New methodology for CFD three-dimensional simulation of a walking beam type reheating furnace in steady state. Appl Therm Eng. 2015;86:69-80.
  • Carrera J, Sanchez A, Navarro A, Paz C, Porteiro J. Fatigue Life Calculation under Thermal Multiaxial Stresses in EGR Coolers. SAE Int J Mater Manuf. 2015;8(3).
  • Cacabelos A, Eguía P, Míguez JL, Granada E, Arce ME. Calibrated simulation of a public library HVAC system with a ground-source heat pump and a radiant floor using TRNSYS and GenOpt. Energy and Buildings. 2015;108:114-26.
  • Belmonte JF, Eguía P, Molina AE, Almendros-Ibáñez JA. Thermal simulation and system optimization of a chilled ceiling coupled with a floor containing a phase change material (PCM). Sustainable Cities and Society. 2015;14(1):154-70.
  • Arce ME, Saavedra Á, Míguez JL, Granada E. The use of grey-based methods in multi-criteria decision analysis for the evaluation of sustainable energy systems: A review. Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 2015;47:924-32.
  • Alfonsin V, Suarez A, Urrejola S, Miguez J, Sanchez A. Integration of several renewable energies for internal combustion engine substitution in a commercial sailboat. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2015;40(20):6689-701.


  • Paz C, Porteiro J, Copo A, Díaz A, editors. Implementation of a nucleate boiling flux partitioning model for a CFD simulation of compact heat exchangers based on the local estimation of bulk properties. 10th International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics, AFM 2014; 2014: WITPress.
  • Paz C, Gil C, Suárez E, Porteiro J. Comparison of turbulent models applied to the aerodynamics of a high speed train. Civil-Comp Proc. 2014;105.
  • Paz C, Gil C, Suárez E, Concheiro M. Aerodynamic simulations of high-speed trains. Civil-Comp Proc. 2014;105.
  • Paz C, Eirís A, Porteiro J, Suarez E, editors. The simulation of a rankine based waste heat recovery system for a heavy duty diesel engine. 13th International Conference on Simulation and Experiments in Heat and Mass Transfer, HT 2014; 2014: WITPress.
  • Gómez MA, Porteiro J, Patiño D, Míguez JL. CFD modelling of thermal conversion and packed bed compaction in biomass combustion. Fuel. 2014;117(PART A):716-32.
  • Febrero L, Granada E, Pérez C, Patiño D, Arce E. Characterisation and comparison of biomass ashes with different thermal histories using TG-DSC. J Therm Anal Calor. 2014;118(2):669-80.
  • De La Cuesta D, Gómez MA, Porteiro J, Febrero L, Granada E, Arce E. CFD analysis of a TG-DSC apparatus: Application to the indium heating and phase change process. J Therm Anal Calor. 2014;118(2):641-50.
  • Cacabelos A, Eguía P, Míguez JL, Rey G, Arce ME. Development of an improved dynamic model of a Stirling engine and a performance analysis of a cogeneration plant. Appl Therm Eng. 2014;73(1):608-21.
  • Belmonte JF, Izquierdo-Barrientos MA, Eguía P, Molina AE, Almendros-Ibáñez JA. PCM in the heat rejection loops of absorption chillers. A feasibility study for the residential sector in Spain. Energy and Buildings. 2014;80:331-51.


  • Ulloa C, Porteiro J, Eguía P, Pousada-Carballo JM. Application model for a stirling engine micro-generation system in caravans in different European locations. Energies. 2013;6(2):717-32.
  • Ulloa C, Míguez JL, Porteiro J, Eguía P, Cacabelos A. Development of a transient model of a stirling-based CHP system. Energies. 2013;6(7):3115-33.
  • Ulloa C, Eguía P, Miguez JL, Porteiro J, Pousada-Carballo JM, Cacabelos A. Feasibility of using a Stirling engine-based micro-CHP to provide heat and electricity to a recreational sailing boat in different European ports. Appl Therm Eng. 2013;59(1-2):414-24.
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Eirís A, Porteiro J. Development of a predictive CFD fouling model for diesel engine exhaust gas systems. Heat Transfer Eng. 2013;34(8-9):674-82.
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Concheiro M, Porteiro J, Valdés R, editors. CFD simulation of a CT scan oral-nasal extrathoracic model. 7th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Methods in Multiphase and Complex Flow, MPF 2013; 2013; A Coruna: WITPress.
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Concheiro M, Porteiro J. Experimental study of soot particle fouling on ribbed plates: Applicability of the critical local wall shear stress criterion. Exp Therm Fluid Sci. 2013;44:364-73.
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Concheiro M, Copo A, Tobio V, editors. CFD implementation and experimental validation of the Chen model for heat transfer in nucleate boiling. WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences; 2013.
  • Granada E, Míguez JL, Febrero L, Collazo J, Eguía P. Development of an experimental technique for oil recovery during biomass pyrolysis. Renew Energy. 2013;60:179-84.
  • Granada E, Eguía P, Comesaña JA, Patiño D, Porteiro J, Miguez JL. Devolatilization behaviour and pyrolysis kinetic modelling of Spanish biomass fuels. J Therm Anal Calor. 2013;113(2):569-78.
  • González-Jorge H, Puente I, Eguía P, Arias P. Single-image rectification technique in forensic science. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2013;58(2):459-64.
  • Gómez MA, Patiño D, Comesaña R, Porteiro J, Álvarez Feijoo MA, Míguez JL. CFD simulation of a solar radiation absorber. Int J Heat Mass Transf. 2013;57(1):231-40.
  • Fenollera M, Míguez JL, Goicoechea I, Lorenzo J, Álvarez MA. The influence of phase change materials on the properties of self-compacting concrete. Mater. 2013;6(8):3530-46.
  • Comesaña R, Gómez MA, Álvarez Feijoo MA, Eguía P. CFD simulation of a TG-DSC furnace during the indium phase change process. Appl Energy. 2013;102:293-8.
  • Comesaña JA, Nieströj M, Granada E, Szlek A. TG-DSC analysis of biomass heat capacity during pyrolysis process. Journal of the Energy Institute. 2013;86(3):153-9.
  • Arce ME, Saavedra A, Míguez JL, Granada E, Cacabelos A. Biomass fuel and combustion conditions selection in a fixed bed combustor. Energies. 2013;6(11):5973-89.


  • Silva FB, Díaz AL, Del Corral Matías OL, Penín CP. The university practices as a tool of labour insertion for industrial Engineers: Carrying out audits of safety of installations. Profesorado. 2012;16(1):317-24.
  • Saá C, Míguez JL, Morán JC, Vilán JA, Lago ML, Comesaña R. A study of the influence of solar radiation and humidity in a bioclimatic traditional Galician agricultural dry storage structure (horreo). Energy and Buildings. 2012;55:109-17.
  • Porteiro J, Patiño D, Miguez JL, Granada E, Moran J, Collazo J. Study of the reaction front thickness in a counter-current fixed-bed combustor of a pelletised biomass. Combust Flame. 2012;159(3):1296-302.
  • Paz C, Suárez E, Eirís A, Porteiro J. Experimental evaluation of the critical local wall shear stress around cylindrical probes fouled by diesel exhaust gases. Exp Therm Fluid Sci. 2012;38:85-93.
  • Míguez JL, Morán JC, Granada E, Porteiro J. Review of technology in small-scale biomass combustion systems in the European market. Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 2012;16(6):3867-75.
  • Granada E, Eguía P, Vilan JA, Comesaña JA, Comesaña R. FTIR quantitative analysis technique for gases. Application in a biomass thermochemical process. Renew Energy. 2012;41:416-21.
  • Granada E, Eguía P, Antonio Comesaña J, Patiño D, Porteiro J, Saavedra Á. Experimental analysis of several biomass fuels: The effect of the devolatilization rate on packed bed combustion. J Renewable Sustainable Energy. 2012;4(5).
  • Gómez MA, Comesaña R, Feijoo MAÁ, Eguía P. Simulation of the effect of water temperature on domestic biomass boiler performance. Energies. 2012;5(4):1044-61.
  • Gómez MA, Álvarez Feijoo MA, Comesaña R, Eguía P, Míguez JL, Porteiro J. CFD simulation of a concrete cubicle to analyze the thermal effect of phase change materials in buildings. Energies. 2012;5(7):2093-111.
  • Eguía P, Zueco J, Granada E, Collazo J. A numerical study of unsteady gas-solid flow between parallel porous plates submitted to a magnetic field. Meccanica. 2012;47(2):501-14.
  • Comesaña R, Porteiro J, Granada E, Vilán JA, Álvarez Feijoo MA, Eguía P. CFD analysis of the modification of the furnace of a TG-FTIR facility to improve the correspondence between the emission and detection of gaseous species. Appl Energy. 2012;89(1):262-72.
  • Comesaña R, Gómez MA, Álvarez MA, Eguía P. Thermal lag analysis on a simulated TGA-DSC device. Thermochimica Acta. 2012;547:13-21.
  • Collazo J, Porteiro J, Patiño D, Granada E. Numerical modeling of the combustion of densified wood under fixed-bed conditions. Fuel. 2012;93:149-59.
  • Collazo J, Porteiro J, Míguez JL, Granada E, Gómez MA. Numerical simulation of a small-scale biomass boiler. Energy Convers Manage. 2012;64:87-96.
  • Collazo J, Pazó JA, Granada E, Saavedra Á, Eguía P. Determination of the specific heat of biomass materials and the combustion energy of coke by DSC analysis. Energy. 2012;45(1):746-52.


  • Zueco J, López-Ochoa LM, Eguía P, Collazo J. Combined heat and mass transfer by natural convection from a semi-infinite plate submitted to a magnetic field with Hall currents. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. 2011;5(2):188-200.
  • Saá C, Míguez JL, Morán JC, Vilán JA, Lago ML, Comesaña R. The influence of slotted floors on the bioclimatic traditional Galician agricultural dry-store structure (hórreo). Energy and Buildings. 2011;43(12):3491-6.
  • Porteiro J, Riveiro B, Granada E, Armesto J, Eguía P, Collazo J. A refrigerated web camera for photogrammetric video measurement inside biomass boilers and combustion analysis. Sensors. 2011;11(2):1246-60.
  • Porteiro J, Collazo J, Patiño D, Míguez JL. Diesel engine condition monitoring using a multi-net neural network system with nonintrusive sensors. Appl Therm Eng. 2011;31(17-18):4097-105.
  • Eirís A, Paz C, Suárez E, Concheiro M, Castaño C. CFD numerical simulation of HP-EGR cooler performance under pulsating engine conditions. SAE Technical Papers. 2011.
  • Eguía P, Zueco J, Granada E, Patiño D. NSM solution for unsteady MHD Couette flow of a dusty conducting fluid with variable viscosity and electric conductivity. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2011;35(1):303-16.
  • Cerdeira F, Vázquez ME, Collazo J, Granada E. Applicability of infrared thermography to the study of the behaviour of stone panels as building envelopes. Energy and Buildings. 2011;43(8):1845-51.


  • Zueco J, Eguía P, Patiño D, López-Ochoa LM. Network numerical modelling of unsteadyMHD-free convection flow with mass transfer, hall current and viscous dissipation effects. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. 2010;26(12):1687-99.
  • Zueco J, Eguía P, Granada E, Míguez JL, Bég OA. An electrical network for the numerical solution of transient mhd couette flow of a dusty fluid: Effects of variable properties and hall current. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2010;37(10):1432-9.
  • Simón D, Paz MC, Eirís A, Suárez E, editors. Eulerian model for the prediction of nucleate boiling of refrigerant in heat exchangers. WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences; 2010.
  • Porteiro J, Patiño D, Moran J, Granada E. Study of a fixed-bed biomass combustor: Influential parameters on ignition front propagation using parametric analysis. Energy Fuels. 2010;24(7):3890-7.
  • Porteiro J, Patiño D, Collazo J, Granada E, Moran J, Miguez JL. Experimental analysis of the ignition front propagation of several biomass fuels in a fixed-bed combustor. Fuel. 2010;89(1):26-35.
  • Pazó JA, Granada E, Saavedra A, Patiño D, Collazo J. Heterogenic solid biofuel sampling methodology and uncertainty associated with prompt analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2010;11(5):2118-33.
  • Pazó JA, Granada E, Saavedra A, Estevez X, Comesaña R. Process optimization of sampling and determining the uncertainty associated with the properties of solid fuels for cocombustion. DYNA (Colombia). 2010;77(161):109-19.
  • Pazó JA, Granada E, Saavedra Á, Eguía P, Collazo J. Biomass thermogravimetric analysis: Uncertainty determination methodology and sampling maps generation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2010;11(7):2701-14.
  • Pazó JA, Granada E, Saavedra A, Eguía P, Collazo J. Uncertainty determination methodology, sampling maps generation and trend studies with biomass thermogravimetric analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2010;11(10):3660-74.
  • Paz MC, Porteiro J, Eirís A, Suárez E, editors. Computational model for particle deposition in turbulent gas flows for CFD codes. 11th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Heat Transfer 2010; 2010; Tallinn.
  • Granada E, Patiño D, Porteiro J, Collazo J, Míguez JL, Moran J. The motion of discs and spherical fuel particles in combustion burners based on Monte Carlo simulation. Energy Convers Manage. 2010;51(4):795-801.


  • Zueco J, Eguía P, López-Ochoa LM, Collazo J, Patiño D. Unsteady MHD free convection of a micropolar fluid between two parallel porous vertical walls with convection from the ambient. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2009;36(3):203-9.
    Porteiro J, Collazo J, Patiño D, Granada E, Gonzalez JCM, Míguez JL. Numerical modeling of a biomass pellet domestic boiler. Energy Fuels. 2009;23(2):1067-75.
    Paz C, Porteiro J, Eirís A, Suárez E, Sánchez A, Castaño C. Pressure Drop in Protective Metal Meshes in Clean Low EGR Loop. SAE Techni Paper. 2009;2009-January(January).
    Moran JC, Miguez JL, Porteiro J, Patiño D, Granada E, Collazo J. Study of the feasibility of mixing Refuse Derived Fuels with wood pellets through the grey and Fuzzy theory. Renew Energy. 2009;34(12):2607-12.
    Granada E, Patiño D, Collazo J, Moran JC, Porteiro J. Available exhaust gas power in different configurations in a pellet stove plant. Renew Energy. 2009;34(12):2852-9.
    Collazo J, Porteiro J, Patiño D, Miguez JL, Granada E, Moran J. Simulation and experimental validation of a methanol burner. Fuel. 2009;88(2):326-34.


  • Patiño D, Moran J, Porteiro J, Collazo J, Granada E, Miguez JL. Improving the cofiring process of wood pellet and refuse derived fuel in a small-scale boiler plant. Energy Fuels. 2008;22(3):2121-8.
  • Murillo S, Míguez JL, Porteiro J, López-González LM, Granada E, Morán JC, et al. Exhaust emissions from diesel, LPG, and gasoline low-power engines. Energy Sources Recovery Util Environ Eff. 2008;30(12):1065-73.


  • Porteiro J, Granada E, Collazo J, Patiño D, Morán JC. A model for the combustion of large particles of densified wood. Energy Fuels. 2007;21(6):3151-9.
  • Patiño D, Morán JC, Porteiro J, Míguez JL, Granada E, Collazo J. Study of the combustion of pellets and RDF in a small boiler-stove plant. Clean Air. 2007;8(3):183-97.
  • Murillo S, Míguez JL, Porteiro J, Granada E, Morán JC. Performance and exhaust emissions in the use of biodiesel in outboard diesel engines. Fuel. 2007;86(12-13):1765-71.
  • López González LM, Sala Lizarraga JM, Míguez Tabarés JL, López Ochoa LM. Contribution of renewable energy sources to electricity production in the La Rioja Autonomous Community, Spain. A review. Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 2007;11(6):1244-59.
  • López González LM, Sala Lizarraga JM, Míguez Tabarés JL, López Ochoa LM. Contribution of renewable energy sources to electricity production in the autonomous community of Navarre (Spain): A review. Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 2007;11(8):1776-93.
  • González-Bustamante JA, Sala JM, López-González LM, Míguez JL, Flores I. Modelling and dynamic simulation of processes with 'MATLAB'. An application of a natural gas installation in a power plant. Energy. 2007;32(7):1271-82.
  • Castaño C, Sánchez Á, Grande JA, Paz C. Advantages in the EGR Cooler Performance by Using Internal Corrugated Tubes Technology. SAE Technical Papers. 2007;2007-January(January).


  • Tabarés JL, Granada E, Moran J, Porteiro J, Murillo S, López González LM. Combustion behavior of Spanish lignocellulosic briquettes. Energy Sources Recovery Util Environ Eff. 2006;28(6):501-15.
  • Sala JM, López-González LM, Ruiz de Adana M, Míguez JL, Eguía J, Flores I. Exergetic analysis and thermoeconomic study for a container-housed engine. Appl Therm Eng. 2006;26(16):1840-50.
  • Sala JM, López-González LM, Ruiz de Adana M, Eguía J, Flores I, Míguez JL. Optimising ventilation-system design for a container-housed engine. Appl Energy. 2006;83(10):1125-38.
  • Porteiro J, Míguez JL, Granada E, Moran JC. Mathematical modelling of the combustion of a single wood particle. Fuel Process Technol. 2006;87(2):169-75.
  • Morán JC, Tabarés JL, Granada E, Porteiro J, López González LM. Effect of different configurations on small pellet combustion systems. Energy Sources Recovery Util Environ Eff. 2006;28(12):1135-48.
  • Morán J, Granada E, Míguez JL, Porteiro J. Use of grey relational analysis to assess and optimize small biomass boilers. Fuel Process Technol. 2006;87(2):123-7.
  • Míguez JL, Porteiro J, López-González LM, Vicuña JE, Murillo S, Morán JC, et al. Review of the energy rating of dwellings in the European Union as a mechanism for sustainable energy. Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 2006;10(1):24-45.
  • Míguez JL, López-González LM, Sala JM, Porteiro J, Granada E, Morán JC, et al. Review of compliance with EU-2010 targets on renewable energy in Galicia (Spain). Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 2006;10(3):225-47.
  • Míguez JL, López-González LM, Porteiro J, Paz C, Granada E, Morán JC. Contribution of renewable energy sources to electricity production in galicia (Spain). Energy Sources Recovery Util Environ Eff. 2006;28(11):995-1012.
  • López-González LM, Sala JM, González-Bustamante JA, Míguez JL. Modelling and simulation of the dynamic performance of a natural-gas turbine flowmeter. Appl Energy. 2006;83(11):1222-34.
  • Granada E, Lareo G, Míguez JL, Moran J, Porteiro J, Ortiz L. Feasibility study of forest residue use as fuel through co-firing with pellet. Biomass Bioenergy. 2006;30(3):238-46.


  • Sala JM, González LML, Míguez JL, Eguía JJ, Vicuña JE, Juárez MC, et al. Improvement of a chain-hardening furnace by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation. Appl Energy. 2005;81(3):260-76.
  • Murillo S, Míguez JL, Porteiro J, González LML, Granada E, Morán JC. LPG: Pollutant emission and performance enhancement for spark-ignition four strokes outboard engines. Appl Therm Eng. 2005;25(13):1882-93.


  • Porteiro J, Míguez JL, Murillo S, López LM. Feasibility of a new domestic CHP trigeneration with heat pump: II. Availability analysis. Appl Therm Eng. 2004;24(10):1421-9.
  • Moran JC, Granada E, Porteiro J, Míguez JL. Experimental modelling of a pilot lignocellulosic pellets stove plant. Biomass Bioenergy. 2004;27(6):577-83.
  • Míguez JL, Murillo S, Porteiro J, López LM. Feasibility of a new domestic CHP trigeneration with heat pump: I. Design and development. Appl Therm Eng. 2004;24(10):1409-19.


  • Murillo S, Míguez JL, Porteiro J, Hernández JJ, López-González LM. Viability of LPG use in low-power outboard engines for reduction in consumption and pollutant emissions. Int J Energy Res. 2003;27(5):467-80.
  • Moran JC, Granada E, Porteiro J, Míguez JL. Pellet combustion in stove: Performance and emissions statistical approach. Renewable Energy and Power Qual J. 2003;1(1):641-6.
  • Moran JC, Granada E, Porteiro J, Míguez JL. Preheating in pellet stoves: Effect in energy balance and emissions. Renewable Energy and Power Qual J. 2003;1(1):636-40.


  • Míguez JL, Granada E, López González LM, Xiberta J, Fernández P. Prediction of global daily solar radiation using higher order statistics. Renew Energy. 2002;27(4):647-66.
  • Míguez JL, Granada E, López González LM, Xiberta J, Fernández P. Prediction of the properties of Spanish lignocellulosic briquettes by means of dispersive X-ray fluorescence. Renew Energy. 2002;27(4):575-84.
  • Granada E, López González LM, Míguez JL, Moran J. Fuel lignocellulosic briquettes, die design and products study. Renew Energy. 2002;27(4):561-73.


  • Míguez Tabarés JL, Gándara Alvarez M, López González LM, Fernández Viar P. Feasibility study for the installation of HVAC for a spa by means of energy recovery from thermal water - Part II: Energy analysis. Renew Energy. 2001;23(1):135-49.
  • López González LM, Míguez Tabarés JL, Gándara Alvarez M, Fernández Viar P. Feasibility study for the installation of HVAC for a spa by means of energy recovery from thermal water - Part I: Analysis of conditions. Renew Energy. 2001;23(1):123-34.


  • Tabarés JLM, Ortiz L, Granada E, Viar FP. Feasibility study of energy use for densificated lignocellulosic material (briquettes). Fuel. 2000;79(10):1229-37.
  • López González LM, Sala Lizarraga JM, Aranguren VDLP, Tabarés JLM. Proposal for the use of renewable energy in the La Rioja autonomous community (LRAC) (Spain). Renew Energy. 2000;20(3):289-304.