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SNOP STAMPING  S. A. with its plant in Nigrán has worked from 16th January 2021 until 31st December of the same year in a project financed within the "PROGRAMME OF INVESTMENT OF FOREIGN COMPANIES IN R&D ACTIVITIES-INVEST IN SPAIN 2021". This initiative was identified with the file number 2021/29 and its title was "DEVELOPMENT OF SPECIFIC MACHINING SOLUTIONS FOR HIGH STRENGTH STEELS FOR STRUCTURAL USE" and acronym MEPARUES.

The main objective of the MEPARUES project was the development of activities associated with the cold working of high strength or ultra-high yield strength steels (UHLE). This type of development meant a sectorial novelty in aspects such as:

  • tolerances
  • The increase of the yield strength of worked steels in cold forming
  • the reduction of handling risks
  • increased profitability and versatility for the company
  • improved results in subsequent stages of production
  • increase in the quality of the final product and at the same time achieving higher productivity rates
  • reduction of energy consumption

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Throughout the project, local suppliers have collaborated in the resolution of the associated technological challenges and there has been a public-private partnership PPP agreement with the GTE group of the UVIGO, which has been present in all the technical coordination tasks and has provided analytical tools for simulation, modelling and thermal gradient in the energy part of MEPARUES. Finally, it has also assumed the tasks of patents and dissemination. It has also been relevant the presence of ENERGIO RESEARCH SL, which has participated in the aspects of testing and regulatory validation, study of materials and their critical points and some aspects of big data and reporting.
The MEPARUES project has had a clear incentive effect for SNOP STAMPING in its Nigrán plant after a first experience in INVEST IN SPAIN 2017, which had a very positive effect and contributed to attract funds from the parent company and to consolidate stable commercial alliances with suppliers in the area, exerting a dragging effect on the economy of Galicia, which this initiative is expected to consolidate.

Press Release - Spanish version (PDF)

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